When people say to me, I have seen this product, I think its called “quin… quin…?” I know exactly what they are talking about. Some say the new ‘superfood’, some say ‘I have no idea how to cook it!’, often pronounced like ‘qui–no-ah’. Pronounce it how you wish! I just think its great people are getting interested in knowing more about QUINOA! If you are actually wanting to know its correct pronouncing, it is: ‘KEEN – wah’.
Anyway, KEEN – wah (quinoa) is a highly nutritious grain, a fabulous alternative to something like cous cous, or rice or potato. Not that cous cous, rice or potato isn’t part of a healthy eating plan (they are), its just another carbohydrate/grain option to mix things up and have with your lunch, dinner and even for breaky!
Quinoa is a grain that is very high in fibre (7g per 100g), protein (14g per 100 g), iron, B vitamins calcium and magnesium. It has a fluffy, creamy texture and slightly nutty flavour. It is also naturally gluten free for those people with coeliac disease or intolerances.
There are three main varieties of quinoa; white, red and black, which are all equally nutritious.
Often when you buy a packet of quinoa from the supermarket (usually in the health food section) it has the cooking instructions on the back.
However, here is a quick guide on how to make quinoa:
– Rinse the quinoa well before cooking.
– Bring 2 cups water to the boil and add 1 cup quinoa. Reduce to a low heat and cover.
– Cook for 10-15 mintutes until water is all absorbed and its light and fluffy.
I love a making quinoa salad for lunch as the protein and fibre in the quinoa helps to keep me full most of the afternoon at work, and I don’t tend to get that 3pm sugar craving due to quinoa being naturally low in GI (glycaemic index), so it provides me with sustained energy.
The other day I made a yummy Roasted Pumpkin and Feta Quinoa salad which was a real hit, even with my partner (and he can be fussy!). Its a roasted pumpkin and feta quinoa salad. This could be for a lunch on its own or as a side to your protein and veggies at night for dinner.
Check out the recipe here plus more ideas for where to use quinoa!