Another common question that I get asked a lot is “And what about eggs??” Understandable, because science is always on the move, and it can get confusing as to what is right!
Stated by the Heart Foundation, the latest and most up to date evidence about the humble egg is that you can enjoy up to 6 per week along with a healthy balanced diet. Yes, this is even for those people with high cholesterol.
It is always a good idea though, to check with your GP and Accredited Practising Dietitian if you want to know more about your cholesterol levels and how to manage it.
Eggs do contain cholesterol. In fact – anything that has a liver has cholesterol as the liver makes it. So as eggs come from chickens, they contain cholesterol. However, research shows it is more about the saturated fat in our foods that we eat (full fat dairy, cream, fat on meat and skin on chicken, deep fried foods, processed cakes pastries and biscuits etc) that has more of an effect on our blood cholesterol, than cholesterol in foods itself.
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating advises that 2 large eggs are considered one standard serve from the meat/poultry/fish/ legumes food group. Therefore 2 eggs would be 1 serve out of your recommended 2-3 serves of protein for the day (depending on your age, gender and physical activity level).
In fact I cannot recommend a more nutrient dense little package than the good old egg! Containing a high amount of good-quality protein, omega 3 and 11 different vitamins and minerals, where could you possibly go wrong?!
Eggs are inexpensive, quick, easy and versatile. You can have them for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. But what about a high protein boiled egg for a snack? Why not, I say. Did I mention versatile?
Scramble them, poach them, boil them, lightly fry them, quiche them, dunk-into them, there are a heap of ways to enjoy the fabulous egg.
Personally my favourite is poached eggs on grain toast with a generous serving of avocado, a drizzle of lemon and cracked pepper.
Click here for some delicious egg recipes.