1. Breakfast – They say it’s the most important meal of the day, and yes, well…… it is. There is ample research showing that those who eat breakfast every day demonstrate a much better success rate when trying to lose weight and keep it off.
Kick-start your metabolism with a fibre and protein rich breakfast. How about light ricotta on raison toast with sliced banana and cinnamon? Or rolled oats with a sprinkle of nuts and dried fruit with low fat Greek yoghurt and strawberries?
2. Vegetables – Full of nutrients and fibre. You must eat your vegies if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. 5 serves each day is what’s recommended.
Now what is a serve?
1 cup of salad vegetables OR ½ cup cooked vegetables. Aim for 2 serves at lunch and 3 serves at dinner. Otherwise, snack on vegies between meals. Along with the scientific research, my patients tell me how much more energy they have during the day after bumping up their vegie intake. Why not try my ‘spiced pumpkin wedges with craisons and feta’ recipe, or ‘Asian cucumber and snow pea salad’ or ‘warm beans and broccoli with pesto.’ Click here to see recipes
3. Portion control – Watch those portions sizes at meals and snacks. Ask yourself if you feel over full when you finish your meal. More often than not we eat more than what our body requires.
Firstly, slow down your pace of eating. Half way, through- check how you are feeling in your stomach. Put down you knife and fork and wait 5-10 minutes. If your body is telling you that you are no longer hungry, then stop eating and leave the rest on your plate. Cover it and have it later if you would prefer not to waste.
Research shows those who use smaller plates and bowls and glasses end up eating and drinking less. Try these tips at your next meal time!
4. Water intake – drink more water. Often we mix up hunger with thirst. If you think you are hungry, have a glass or two of water first. If your stomach is still grumbling after this then you are probably genuinely hungry.
If you prefer your drink to be more interesting in flavour, try sparkling, mineral or soda water. Add fresh lemon or lime to add a little flavour. In the winter try out different herbal teas to increase your fluid intake.
5. Movement – Keep your body moving in as many ways as you possibly can. Exercise, along with dietary intake, is another piece of the complicated puzzle when losing weight. Do you really enjoy going to the gym? If yes, then great! However, if not, why not find a sustainable form of exercise that you actually enjoy. Making time, not finding time is essential if you are serious about your health. There will always be washing or ironing or cooking to do, but if you don’t prioritise exercise then it just isn’t going to happen.
How about catching up with a friend over a brisk walk instead of coffee (the time will fly too!), or taking the kids to basketball courts and shooting a few hoops. Or at least take the stairs every time you see them, rather than the elevator. It all adds up.