Easter Feasting

Hot Cross Buns

Do you enjoy warm hot cross buns with butter? Mmmm So do I.

Hot Cross Buns are great to enjoy at Easter, however, have you noticed Hot Cross Buns have been on the supermarkets shelves and in bakeries since the beginning of the year! Similar to Christmas fruit mince pies available in October, we wouldn’t have to worry about putting on the extra kg’s if we only indulged over the Easter days alone (not the lead up, and months following the special occasion!)

Did you know that 1 medium traditional hot cross bun has approximately 925 kJ (220 calories)? To put it in perspective, this is equivalent to 3 slices of white bread. The choc-chip version contains even more kilojoules! Treat Hot Cross Buns as a sometimes food.

Healthy eating is about a balance. If you are watching your weight, I suggest to buy them just for the Easter weekend and keep it as a treat. Make sure you enjoy every mouthful when you do eat it and savour the moment!

Easter Feasting

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