With Easter upon us, I wanted to give parents some advice on how to handle the minefield that is ALL. THE. CHOCOLATE. This week I’m delighted to feature a blog post from my friend and peer, Dr Kyla Smith. Kyla is a Paediatric dietitian based in Perth who runs Mealtime Building Blocks. Over to you, Kyla! […]
Five ways to stay on track during the Christmas party season
All the food. All the alcohol. All the parties and fun! Ahhh, Christmas. That festive period of time that starts in November (!), carries all the way through to the end of December and often involves many, many, many catch ups with friends, work functions and family get-togethers – virtually all of which involve food […]
What is Mindful Eating?
How many times have you finished a meal and then realised that you barely have any recollection of eating it? It’s very easy to find ourselves scrolling through Instagram while you’re scoffing a sandwich on your lunchbreak, or watching TV as you eat dinner. But this isn’t doing us any good at all. By not […]
Cutting out sugar (and why you actually shouldn’t eliminate it completely)
There is a lot of confusion around cutting out sugar from your diet, and I’d like to clear a few things up about it. Reducing your sugar intake is recommended if you regularly consume processed foods or refined sugar such as: Soft drinks Chocolate Lollies Biscuits Sugar in your tea/coffee If you add sugar to […]