Heart Health

Heart Health! Keep Your Heart Healthy

How to keep the Heart Healthy? Here are our Tips!

Quit smoking, exercise regularly, laugh more, reduce stress, …. Eat Healthy!!
There are many, many factors to keeping your Internal Pump operating efficiently, however at the heart of it all (excuse the pun), is a healthy diet!

What are the consequences of an unhealthy heart?

Unfortunately there are many. Heart attack, stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Coronary Artery Disease to name a few. Dietitians can guide you in your food choices, to give yourself the best chance of a life free of heart complications.

Dark chocolate.. more fish.. less alcohol.. less salt. There are simple modifications that can be made to any diet in order to give your heart the best chance of being healthy. Our Nutritionist and Dietitian can help with this, by enabling changes to your diet that are not restrictive and don’t leave you feeling deprived, to ensure that they are sustainable into the future.

Contact us to find out more!


See my blog here for more information.


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