Welcoming the warmer months with some fresh, flavour-packed dishes We’ve still got a bit of rain ahead of us, but Spring is officially here and I can certainly feel it creeping through the cold weather! We’re SO lucky with Perth’s climate, but this winter felt a bit long, didn’t it?! Before we know it we’ll […]
Winter Warmers
Three recipes I love to have during the colder months A Perth Winter is still pretty mild compared to those in the rest of the world, but as we’re used to very warm weather for much of the year, it still feels chilly to us! So just like anyone else living through these colder months, […]
Three Autumn recipes I’m loving right now
Wholesome and warming Autumn dishes I’ve been enjoying Autumn is without doubt one of my favourite times of year. Perth is still, on the whole, beautifully warm – not hot – during the day, while the night start to bring in a cooling breeze. The leaves on the trees start to turn. And we start seeing […]
Recipe: Vegetarian Lasagne
Last night we had friends over who don’t eat meat… enter my vegetarian lasagne! The photo’s not the best, but I can assure you that this vegetarian lasagne is DELICIOUS. This beauty is PACKED with 10 different types of vegetables and no-one missed the meat with all those lentils and kidney beans in there. So […]