Increase your veggie intake in just a few easy steps. Do you struggle to get more vegetables into your diet? One of the things I hear most often from clients during consultations is that they feel they struggle to get enough vegetables into their diet. Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that we get about five standard […]
Five ways to stay on track during the Christmas party season
All the food. All the alcohol. All the parties and fun! Ahhh, Christmas. That festive period of time that starts in November (!), carries all the way through to the end of December and often involves many, many, many catch ups with friends, work functions and family get-togethers – virtually all of which involve food […]
Why would a healthy person go to a dietitian?
(Because it actually makes perfect sense!) One of my clients (a very healthy person!) is a 22-year-old woman who recently moved out of her family home to move in with her boyfriend. She soon noticed how much she was spending on groceries and how much she was throwing away because the food she bought never […]
How to achieve more variety in your diet
It’s easy when you give it a try! I often see people who have a limited variety of foods in their diet, and not only does it lead to boredom around eating (which in turn can create unhealthy habits) but it can end with the person limiting their options for one reason or another. Eating […]
Stuck in a dieting cycle? A dietitian can help.
Guilt and self-loathing, be gone! Have you ever wondered exactly what a dietitian does? I thought it would be useful to give you an idea of how I work with clients when they come to me with problems. Below is a recent case study about a client who had been caught in a cycle of […]
How can a dietitian help treat your Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
How I work with sufferers of IBS Have you ever wondered exactly what a dietitian does? I thought it would be useful to give you an idea of how I work with clients when they come to me with problems. Below is a recent case study about a client who recently came to me after […]
What is coeliac disease?
Symptoms, diagnosis and how a dietitian can help you Coeliac disease is an immune disease exacerbated by gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. It affects roughly 1 in 100 people. Coeliac sufferers are afflicted with inflammation and damage to the small intestine when they consume gluten. This can result […]
What to eat when you’re going through menopause
Making “The Change” as easy as possible Menopause is a transitional period that all women experience when their periods stop, usually between the ages of 45 and 55. The idea of going through menopause can be scary and upsetting. It marks the end of your fertile life, and brings about considerable hormonal changes to your […]
What to eat when you’re breastfeeding
Keeping your energy levels up during a tiring time Breastfeeding is a wonderful, beautiful thing – and of course, gives your baby a great start in life. But it can also be very tough on mums. Breastfeeding uses a lot of energy while feeding your child – especially in the first few months. Combine that […]
What is Mindful Eating?
How many times have you finished a meal and then realised that you barely have any recollection of eating it? It’s very easy to find ourselves scrolling through Instagram while you’re scoffing a sandwich on your lunchbreak, or watching TV as you eat dinner. But this isn’t doing us any good at all. By not […]