What to eat when you’re going through menopause


what-to-eat-when-going-through-menopauseMaking “The Change” as easy as possible

Menopause is a transitional period that all women experience when their periods stop, usually between the ages of 45 and 55.

The idea of going through menopause can be scary and upsetting. It marks the end of your fertile life, and brings about considerable hormonal changes to your body.

Some women sail through this time with relative ease; others really have a tough time of things both physically and emotionally.

In this post I offer advice on what foods to eat to ease the symptoms of menopause.


Calcium-rich foods

We like to encourage kids to consume plenty of calcium to help their growing bones, and it’s important at this time in your life too.

As your oestrogen levels fall during menopause, the risk of osteoporosis can rise due to lower bone density.

If you do not already incorporate calcium-rich foods into your diet, now is the time. These include:

  • Yoghurt
  • Cheese
  • Cow’s milk
  • Calcium-enriched soy milk
  • Fish with edible bones such as sardines

If this is difficult for you, a calcium supplement may be the way forward. Consult with a dietitian to make the best choice for your body.


Keep your diet heart-friendly

Menopause also brings an increased risk of heart disease and stroke – hooray! (Not)

You can help reduce this risk by taking steps to maintain a healthy weight (more on that below), avoid smoking and have your blood pressure/cholesterol checked regularly.

As for a heart-friendly diet during menopause:

  • Try to stick to lean meats
  • Minimise your intake of saturated fat (pastries, cake, chips etc)
  • Go easy on the salt


Good-mood foods

Some women experience mood swings, irritability and depression as they go through menopause.  Help combat these symptoms by opting for foods rich in omega-3, such as salmon, tuna and sardines.

Eating regularly to avoid blood-sugar spikes should also help with irritability!


Opt for foods high in nutrients – not high in fat

Women’s bodies respond differently to hormonal changes.

Just like in pregnancy and during breastfeeding, some women may gain more weight than others  during menopause. And it will be harder to shift once you have gained the weight. I know – there’s  no justice sometimes!

Add more fruit, vegetables and wholegrains into your diet, and if you are partial to a pastry or two… well, maybe keep it at just the one pastry 😉 Don’t deprive yourself. Just keep things in moderation.



You don’t need to suddenly start an intensive fitness regime – but exercise will help you during  menopause in a number of ways.

  • It will help with your mood due to the production of endorphins caused by exercise.
  • It will help strengthen your bones.
  • It will help keep your heart healthy.
  • And it will help prevent weight gain should your body be affected in that way.

Even a daily walk will contribute in a positive way to your health during menopause.



One of the best-known symptoms of menopause (although again not experienced by all women) is hot flushes.

It is believed that phytoestrogens, which occur naturally in plant foods, could relieve these hot flushes, in particular two types: Isoflavones (found in soy foods) and lignans (found in linseeds, berries and wholegrains).

There is currently no scientific proof that these phytoestrogens help with hot flushes, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence – so it may be worth a try to see if they personally help you.

Having a consultation with a dietitian can ensure that you are eating the right foods (in the right quantities) to support you during your personal journey through menopause. If you’d like to make a booking, contact me.


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What to eat when you’re going through menopause

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