How does a non-diet dietitian approach weight loss?


how-does-a-non-diet-dietitian-approach-weight-lossWill a non-diet dietitian help me lose weight?

It probably seems a bit counter-intuitive to start seeing a non-diet dietitian for weight loss, but many people do – and successfully lose weight in the process!

As a non-diet dietitian, I don’t look at numbers on a scale. I don’t look at waist or hip measurements.

And I don’t put my clients on strict diets which will make them utterly miserable.

So how does a non-dietitian approach weight loss? Here are a few of our techniques…


We DON’T need to know your weight!

Contrary to popular belief, health is not actually determined by weight – unless in extreme circumstances.

Most non-diet approach interventions have led to positive outcomes both physiologically (body) and psychologically (mind).

During my first consultation with clients who want to lose weight, it’s often assumed that the first  item on my agenda will be to weigh them. This is, in fact, the last thing I’d do.

When I ask, “how does hopping on the scales make you feel?”, a good 90% of the time my weight loss clients will say that they feel more anxious (and upset with themselves) by knowing their weight. Experiencing those feelings is no way to start a weight loss program!

(To be fair, some people find that knowing their weight actually motivates them to keep making dietary changes. But the point is, it’s never my focus.)

There is scientific evidence that shows health can be improved through making positive behaviour changes and improving diet quality – regardless of weight loss (There’s also a great academic paper here on why diets don’t work if you fancy delving deeper).


We DON’T advocate strict and frequent dieting

This is NOT the answer for weight loss! And I bet you knew that deep down.

At the same time, it’s completely understandable that when your colleagues start talking about a new diet at work, you might start wondering, “Is this the one that’s going to finally work for me?”

We live in a diet-driven world where there are expectations for most people to be a certain body shape. You may have even learnt these expectations growing up at home – so how would you know any different?

But here’s the thing: How could we POSSIBLY all be the same body type when we all naturally come in different shapes and sizes?!

Why do we accept that a British Bulldog or Great Dane will never be the size and shape as a Chihuahua, yet this understanding doesn’t apply to humans?

The expectations a lot of place on ourselves (and each other) is just unfair. You’ll see no strict diets coming from a non-diet dietitian.

Size isn’t the end goal here. Your health is. That may be linked to weight loss, but it’s not our number one objective.

What does research say about dieting?

“Chronic dieters are more likely to have lowered body appearance evaluation and body dissatisfaction, exaggerated responsiveness to nutritional or food related cues, depression and anxiety. Frequent weight loss dieting has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality risk, reduced bone mass (even in obese populations) and increased cortisol production, and is a strong predictor of weight gain over time.”

Not on my watch!


We DO help you learn to embrace and enjoy the body you live in

We often forget how fortunate we are to be in relatively good health with two working arms and legs – instead placing so much focus on fulfilling the desire to be a certain weight.

Just forgetting weight loss is no easy feat and I understand that this is challenging for most people, but this is something we can slowly work towards.

A non-diet dietitian can show you how feeling comfortable in the body you’re in, experiencing improved energy levels, being grateful for the people around you and taking time to appreciate the more important things in life, is worth so much more than worrying about the number of calories in your lunch and subscribing to the thin “ideal”.

We can show you other areas to focus on as a way to track your health.

For example, we can monitor blood work such as blood sugars, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, iron and vitamin D status, and cortisol levels.

We can look at improving energy levels, mood, sleeping patterns, enjoyable movement, mindful eating practices and addressing any food intolerance or stomach upset you may be experiencing.

Health isn’t just about weight. It’s so much more than that. And as a non-diet dietitian, I want to help you make changes by focusing on the other “stuff.”

To make an appointment with me, click here.


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How does a non-diet dietitian approach weight loss?
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