Author: admin

Behind Essence of Eating… introducing Jess Ruescher!

With a few years of experience working as a dietitian in Perth under my belt, I started Essence of Eating in 2013 when I was living in Melbourne. I came home to Perth in 2015 and I’ve been happily helping my community live healthier lives ever since.   My background I have always been interested […]

Meal Planning: Eating well is easy if you think ahead!

I truly believe that meal planning for the week and doing a bit of preparation beforehand is the biggest key to eating well and looking after yourself and your family. Meal planning does take a little practice, and you don’t have to do it 100% perfectly every time, but in my opinion a little effort on […]

What’s the alternative to dieting?

How about thinking of other ways that you can ‪‎respect‬ and take care of your body? How about focusing on what makes you feel good on the inside? How does it affect your ‪‎energy‬ levels and patterns, ‪‎sleep‬ quality and general mood? How about revisiting ‪balance‬ and ‪‎moderation‬ and injecting a bit of this into your […]

Have your spud and eat it, too: the health benefits of the potato

The poor, humble potato. It often gets such a bad rap, but I want to tell you about the many health benefits of the potato! “Stodgy”. “High in carbs”. “Fattening.” We hear potatoes described with these words all too often, when in fact potatoes are a very nutritious and versatile vegetable which I encourage to […]

Cutting out sugar (and why you actually shouldn’t eliminate it completely)

There is a lot of confusion around cutting out sugar from your diet, and I’d like to clear a few things up about it. Reducing your sugar intake is recommended if you regularly consume processed foods or refined sugar such as: Soft drinks Chocolate Lollies Biscuits Sugar in your tea/coffee If you add sugar to […]

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