Keeping your energy levels up during a tiring time Breastfeeding is a wonderful, beautiful thing – and of course, gives your baby a great start in life. But it can also be very tough on mums. Breastfeeding uses a lot of energy while feeding your child – especially in the first few months. Combine that […]
What is Mindful Eating?
How many times have you finished a meal and then realised that you barely have any recollection of eating it? It’s very easy to find ourselves scrolling through Instagram while you’re scoffing a sandwich on your lunchbreak, or watching TV as you eat dinner. But this isn’t doing us any good at all. By not […]
Nurturing growing bodies and managing your teenager’s weight concerns
Sadly, more and more teenage children are becoming self-conscious about their changing bodies and more specifically, concern with gaining weight. The words and phrases “fat”, “body hate”, “thinness”, “perfect figure”, “body shame”, “carbs”, “calories”, “clean eating”, “superfoods”, and “detox” (to name a few!) are thrown about and may sound all too familiar for a teenager […]
What does a dietitian eat?
I am often asked the question, “What does a dietitian eat?” Today I want to share with you some of my very favourite foods. These foods are staple parts of my diet, and although I love to eat a wide variety of foods, you will find these ones on my plate on a regular basis. […]
Five ways to help manage your diabetes with food
Diabetes is a serious, complicated condition which causes the person who is diagnosed with diabetes an inability to maintain healthy levels of glucose in the blood. Unhealthy glucose levels over a period of time can cause complications such as heart attacks, blindness, poor kidney health, depression and strokes. There is currently no cure for the […]
Five ways to better manage your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable Bowel Symptom (IBS) is a condition which affects the large intestine. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and gas. Around one in five Australians suffer from the condition. Unfortunately, there is not a cure for IBS, and so treatment revolves more around management and prevention of symptoms. It is not known exactly […]
Five ways to make a healthy start to 2017
It’s that time where many of us are looking towards getting a healthy start to the new year. It’s really important to stress that “being healthy” isn’t all about detoxing, fasting and running marathons. We all have to start somewhere to improve our health. Even the smallest actions are steps in the right direction. Here […]
Can you REALLY eat healthily at Christmas?
At this time of year, we often find ourselves dealing with conflicting messages in the media about how to eat healthily at Christmas. We are told to not “let ourselves go” because we need to fit into our bathers at the beach, but also bombarded with many a mouthwatering, calorific, and often alcoholic recipe! You […]
Five foods to boost nutrition during pregnancy
Making sure that you and your baby are getting the right nutrition during pregnancy is often a concern for mothers-to-be. Whether you are pregnant for the first time, or pretty experienced at the whole pregnancy thing, here are five foods to boost nutrition during this special time and give your baby the best start possible in life. […]
What’s the difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?
There is often confusion about the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist, and while there can be overlap in their roles, there are very important differences. Let’s clear things up. What is a dietitian? An Accredited Practising Dietitian is an expert in nutrition whose work is regulated by a professional body, the Dietitians Association […]