What’s the alternative to dieting?

alternatives to dieting

How about thinking of other ways that you can ‪‎respect‬ and take care of your body?

alternatives to dieting
There are alternatives to dieting!

How about focusing on what makes you feel good on the inside? How does it affect your ‪‎energy‬ levels and patterns, ‪‎sleep‬ quality and general mood?

How about revisiting ‪balance‬ and ‪‎moderation‬ and injecting a bit of this into your life?

How about practising a bit of ‪‎mindfulness‬ in general day to day activities, including the foods you choose to eat and how they make you feel?

How about moving your body for reasons other than weight loss? Because it makes you feel good?

There is so much more to life than dieting!


What’s the alternative to dieting?

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