I am often asked the question, “What does a dietitian eat?”
Today I want to share with you some of my very favourite foods. These foods are staple parts of my diet, and although I love to eat a wide variety of foods, you will find these ones on my plate on a regular basis.
Goats Cheese
I’ll have this with just about anything, because it makes everything taste so much better! My favourite combo is on a fresh piece of sourdough bread, smashed avocado and seeds for crunch. Topped with a bit of Siracha sauce and a good handful of rocket and you have a delicious lunch. Something I really look forward to weekly!
Pumpkin Seeds
I love anything with crunch and these I love thrown into salads, sprinkled on top of quiche, onto my smashed avo and goats cheese lunch, and of course in my oats every morning.
Seeded Sourdough Bread
I’ve got so used to the sour taste in sourdough bread that I find any other bread, actually a little sweet! You’ll find me sourcing my bread from Mary Street Bakery in Leederville, Wild Bakery in South Fremantle or Chez Jean-Claude Patisserie in Subiaco. I want to mention here that I’m not being paid to endorse any of these bakeries; they just make really great bread!
Salt and Vinegar Chips
Surprised to see this on a dietitian’s food list? Don’t be: you guys should know by now that I firmly believe that you can eat everything in moderation!
Anyone who has known me since a teenager would tell you I love the strong vinegar smell of these chips as you first open up the packet. I have found the Delites range particularly nice as I find other brands too oily
Baked Beans
A once a week staple as I was growing up. Some people turn their nose up but I love a light meal of baked beans on toast with a generous serve of cheddar cheese every now and again! High in fibre and tasty to boot.