The Non-Diet Approach
Do you feel as if you have tried every diet under the sun? We hear you.
It’s tiring, draining, and downright depressing. You feel frustrated that nothing seems to work - no matter how hard you try. You feel disappointed that all your hard effort go to waste – the feeling manifesting as the weight slowly creeps back on. You feel deprived, and the craving for those sweet foods intensifies with time, the longer you stay on the diet.
What we can confidently say is diets don’t work. Certainly not in the long term. Mounting research shows that 95% of people who go on a ‘weight loss diet’ regain the lost weight in a period of 6 months. Between 1/3- 2/3 of these people will gain more weight from where they started their weight loss journey.
At Essence of Eating we are passionate about helping you escape from the world of dieting, weight fluctuations, body hatred, deprivation, binging, secret eating, emotional eating and emotional highs & lows.
So where do we come in?
We have worked with hundreds of people to improve their relationship with food and their relationship with their body.
We can help to take away the nagging feeling of guilt every time you choose to eat certain foods.
We can help you to find the right balance between eating nutrient dense foods and the ‘sometimes foods’.
We can help you manage emotional eating; eating due to stress, anxiety, having a bad day or simply because the food is sitting in front of you.
We can help identify, address and challenge any and all existing and underlying beliefs about eating and food you may have grown up with.
We can help you get in touch with your natural appetite cues and in turn respect your body’s physiological needs at different times of the day and on different days of the week.
We can help to take the focus away from body weight, and away from the scales, instead redirecting your focus towards your health. Because let’s face it – how often does jumping on the scales have a large impact on your mood, either positively or negatively?
Health is so much more than the numbers on the scales.
Weight is a very small percentage of the overall picture of health. Health is comprised of emotional wellbeing, physical wellbeing and social wellbeing. You can be in a larger body and have health. You can be in a smaller body and not have health. Health comes in all different shapes and sizes, and looks different for different people.
We provide tailored one-on-one consultations designed to help you improve your relationship with food
Are we the right fit for you?
- Do you constantly think about food?
- Are you unsure what normal eating is?
- Do you feel deprived and bored with what you are eating?
- Do you eat emotionally ( tired, bored, stressed, habitual, reward etc)?
- Do you feel guilty after eating certain foods?
- Do you always feel you are lacking in energy?
- Do you often talk negatively about your body?
- Do you feel uncomfortable and sluggish at times?
- Do you crave certain foods and binge on them?
- Do you secretly eat food people your partner/ colleague/ friend's back?
- Do you feel overwhelmed with where to even start on your health journey?